I guess it's been awhile since I updated this deal... Once again I've been slacking! In my defense I have been busy. But fear not, good friends. I'm back. AND I'm updating from vacation, so surely I get extra points for that. We (we = my entire family) are in North Carolina for a week at the beach. AND I have my kiddos for the week!
So what's up with my blog title, you ask? RIGHT! I'm on vacation, with my family, and have my kids - what in the world could be wrong with me? But still today I was grouchy, like Oscar. And not for really any good reason - just in a blah mood. Matt asked me today if I was grumpy because I miss Mike, being on vacation and all without him... Interesting question, and the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT. In fact, it's totally the opposite. Being on vacation for the first time without him is making me realize just how much he dragged (drug?) me, and everyone else down. It's so nice to be without his constant negativity all the time! Aren't I so lucky? Seriously, not everyone in a marriage like mine has the chance to get out of it totally guilt-free and to build the life I should have had in the first place! AND I get my kids most of the time, AND I have amazing new people in my life, AND I am really, really, really, really happy. Even if I'm a grouch on the surface today, underneath, I'm a happy camper.
I will tell you all though that old habits die hard, it's not easy to shake them off. Thank goodness for Betsy! (I think you all know who she is, if not, feel free to ask.) Anyway, occasionally I find myself expecting the same kind of reactions from people that I would have gotten from Mike. Not unreasonable, considering how many years I was with him. But also not fair, to me or to anyone else. The good news is that they are occasional moments - mainly I'm approaching life and peole with the balance, independence and confidence of old me. And it's not even hard work.
I realized this weekend that I was single for a long time before Mike and I split up. Like my day-to-day life has not actually changed that much without him in it. Now, don't get me wrong. My happiness and brain health and well-being are COMPLETELY different. I'm talking about the get up, go to work, come home, watch telly etc. routine. And really what I mean, is that although I was married for all those years, we were not truly together. He didn't like me, and I didn't like him. So we co-existed. Let me tell you one of the stories that helped to me realize this... I got my performance review at work this week. So Matt asks me about it, and I tell him. Then he proceeds to ask me more about it, and give me all kinds of great advice. He's actually interested, which is so nice. I would never have had that conversation with Mike. He didn't care, and I didn't care to tell him. Sad, right? But actually it's HAPPY because that is NOT my future anymore! How lucky am I to have people in my life now who like me for me, and who I am truly interested in their lives as they are in mine? That's what it's all about people. Don't settle for anything less. We all deserve the whole package. Chemistry, click, whatever you want to call it. Find it, and find it with someone who is your "first person." You know - the first person you want when anything happens - good, bad or indiferent. If they are the first person on your mind for whatever you need or want to say then you are on the right track! Go get it. (Unless you are one of my married friends, in which case you hopefully already have it. This blog today is for the single people.)
I am one lucky duck. Yes, even the eternal optimist can have a bad day. I guess the difference is that for me it's only a day. I choose to get out of my pit. I am thankful for everything I am lucky enough to have, and I'm not talking material belongings here folks. I am blessed with amazing family, great friends, and new-found chemistry that I did not know existed in real life (outside of books and movies).
I like this blog. Writing things out always helps me see more clearly. Hope you enjoy the crazy ramblings, but even if not, it serves its purpose for me. Now. It's crazy late. I'm an idiot for staying up so late when the kiddos will be up at six am. So off to bed with me!
01 July 2008
18 June 2008
Random Facts
For today I am giving you all some random facts, which many of you probably already know! Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I must reveal that I have plagarized some of these from a few friends who share the same thoughts. Just easier than re-writing myself. But still totally true.
I got kicked out of Girl Scouts when I was little because I would only go to the fun stuff.
My favorite place in the world is the beach.
I am 100% addicted to caffeine; I am very grumpy without it in the morning.
I am by nature a procrastinator
I refuse to mow the grass. Ever.
There is no part of me with any athletic ability at all. I suck at everything sports related.
But I would like to learn how to play tennis.
I love the Michigan Wolverines and Cincy Bengals! There is a huge Bengals helmet sticker on my office window.
I like to listen to people with British accents.
I rarely get sick, but I do have hay fever every spring – darn pollen!
I feel happier right now than I have in many many years.
I absolutely love my career.
My favorite card game is Pinochle.
I have a handbag addiction which I fund by selling old purses on eBay.
I don’t like conflict at all, and will do pretty much anything to avoid it.
I don’t like getting dirty – gardening, etc. I like to be outside if it’s an activity where I’m not rolling in the mud.
I once went spelunking at Mammoth Caves in KY and did the 8-hour Wild Cave tour. It was amazing. I got really dirty that day but it was ok.
I love to go on unplanned spur of the moment road trips.
I like rocks.
I am perpetually (sometimes annoyingly) optimistic.
I am always 10 minutes late.
I am a girly girl and like all things pink and sparkly.
I can rap Ice Ice Baby from memory without any music.
I am left-handed and can’t write with ballpoint pens; I use the roller ball kind.
I have the best friends a girl could ever hope for.
Old pictures of people and places fascinate me.
I love shoes.
I sometimes wish I were a runner.
I've honestly heard God speak to me several times in the past few months and I'm filled with joy about it.
I'm wondering when Mr. Bush is going to be depositing our stimulus package check.
I love my kids and it amazes me to see them grow...mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
I hate doing laundry. It's a never ending job.
I often wonder where people from my past are and what they are doing with their lives.
I love to shop online.
My brother Matt can make me laugh harder than anyone.
I have a major fear of snakes.
I believe deep down that I will win the lottery one day.
When I was three I almost died choking on pennies. My mom says I was completely blue and she got them out just in the nick of time.
I don't usually kill bugs that are in my house (except flies). I just escort them out.
I don’t like to drive; I much prefer to be the passenger.
I sometimes spend too much money on things I don’t really need but that I like a whole lot.
I don’t get people who are vegetarian but wear leather.
I get grouchy when I don’t get my way.
I have a big stuffed turtle that I love, and it belongs to me, not my kids. It lives in the trunk in my bedroom. Its name is Flash.
Two of my three best friends in the world I started out not liking. And they didn’t like me either.
I am a bargain shopper – I like nice things for not a lot of money.
I’ve never broken any bones.
I got kicked out of Girl Scouts when I was little because I would only go to the fun stuff.
My favorite place in the world is the beach.
I am 100% addicted to caffeine; I am very grumpy without it in the morning.
I am by nature a procrastinator
I refuse to mow the grass. Ever.
There is no part of me with any athletic ability at all. I suck at everything sports related.
But I would like to learn how to play tennis.
I love the Michigan Wolverines and Cincy Bengals! There is a huge Bengals helmet sticker on my office window.
I like to listen to people with British accents.
I rarely get sick, but I do have hay fever every spring – darn pollen!
I feel happier right now than I have in many many years.
I absolutely love my career.
My favorite card game is Pinochle.
I have a handbag addiction which I fund by selling old purses on eBay.
I don’t like conflict at all, and will do pretty much anything to avoid it.
I don’t like getting dirty – gardening, etc. I like to be outside if it’s an activity where I’m not rolling in the mud.
I once went spelunking at Mammoth Caves in KY and did the 8-hour Wild Cave tour. It was amazing. I got really dirty that day but it was ok.
I love to go on unplanned spur of the moment road trips.
I like rocks.
I am perpetually (sometimes annoyingly) optimistic.
I am always 10 minutes late.
I am a girly girl and like all things pink and sparkly.
I can rap Ice Ice Baby from memory without any music.
I am left-handed and can’t write with ballpoint pens; I use the roller ball kind.
I have the best friends a girl could ever hope for.
Old pictures of people and places fascinate me.
I love shoes.
I sometimes wish I were a runner.
I've honestly heard God speak to me several times in the past few months and I'm filled with joy about it.
I'm wondering when Mr. Bush is going to be depositing our stimulus package check.
I love my kids and it amazes me to see them grow...mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually.
I hate doing laundry. It's a never ending job.
I often wonder where people from my past are and what they are doing with their lives.
I love to shop online.
My brother Matt can make me laugh harder than anyone.
I have a major fear of snakes.
I believe deep down that I will win the lottery one day.
When I was three I almost died choking on pennies. My mom says I was completely blue and she got them out just in the nick of time.
I don't usually kill bugs that are in my house (except flies). I just escort them out.
I don’t like to drive; I much prefer to be the passenger.
I sometimes spend too much money on things I don’t really need but that I like a whole lot.
I don’t get people who are vegetarian but wear leather.
I get grouchy when I don’t get my way.
I have a big stuffed turtle that I love, and it belongs to me, not my kids. It lives in the trunk in my bedroom. Its name is Flash.
Two of my three best friends in the world I started out not liking. And they didn’t like me either.
I am a bargain shopper – I like nice things for not a lot of money.
I’ve never broken any bones.
16 June 2008
Don't Worry - Be HAPPY!
I think he was on to something with that song. It's so easy to get wrapped up in stress about what MIGHT happen, or to create scenarios in your head that will likely never happen. Why are we programmed to worry so much? Isn't life a lot simpler when we just accept our lives as they are today and embrace them with happiness and thankfulness for all the good things that we have? What you believe and the way you view your life does affect what happens to you on a daily and long-term basis. Negativity breeds negative things and all that. On the flip side, being positive and thankful for your blessings will keep more coming.
Keep em coming baby... I choose happiness!
Keep em coming baby... I choose happiness!
It's a Great Day... For Me to Whoop Somebody's A**
How many of you are familiar with the Bob and Tom radio show? The title of my post today is the song that's in my head right now. No idea why, as I haven't heard it in months since they don't have Bob and Tom here. (Bastages.) But it's there. You should all go to bobandtom.com and find the song and listen to it. I forget who sings it, but I think it's called "It's a Great Day." It's funny.
I'm in a weird mood today. Very very happy. And also pensive. Lots happening in my life to think about. I've never been one who freaks out about stuff, but that's kind of where I am. In a good way. I mean, the stuff I have to get weirded out about is good. But it's still weirding me out. Yeah, I know, I'm being totally vague. But writing (typing) my thoughts helps me sort through them, which is why I created this page in the first place! So as my friends you must all bear with me. It's your duty. I have so much going now, my whole life has been turned upside down in the last seven months, and I like the new life so much better than the old. It just feels too good, you know? Like I'm waiting for the ball to drop. I was so complacent in my "prior life" - I'm nervous to let that happen again. Things are going so well for me now in all areas - personal life, career, etc. I guess I did not expcet my life to become so great so fast. So I feel like I keep waiting for something bad to happen. Then I remind myself that I've probably dealt with enough bad stuff in the past year to tide me over for awhile so maybe it's all ok... Yes, I know I'm a freak. Give me a day or two to ponder and I'll be back to perpetually chipper old me. I just need to remember that I need to let go of my control-freak tendencies and realize that the plan for my life is not my plan. I do have faith that what is supposed to happen will. It's just hard to take that blind leap of faith, which is kind of what I feel like is happening. Don't get me wrong - I love it. The things that are happening in my life now are amazing and exciting. It's just kind of scary too.
Oh, I just realized some of you probably don't know (it's been awhile since my last post) - I am officially no longer married! A week ago at this moment I was leaving a courtroom having just had my marriage dissolved. The good news is that I couldn't be happier about it, although in theroy it is sad for my kiddos, in reality we are all much better off. I miss them like CRAZY though. They are in Cincy with their dad for the summer. It's werid without them around. We did the webcam yesterday, and it was great to see them, but it made me sad too. Maybe that's part of my weirdness today.
Other news - I had a FANTASTIC weekend, looking forward to an equally excellent week. Must go take one of my employees to lunch... More posting from me later!
I'm in a weird mood today. Very very happy. And also pensive. Lots happening in my life to think about. I've never been one who freaks out about stuff, but that's kind of where I am. In a good way. I mean, the stuff I have to get weirded out about is good. But it's still weirding me out. Yeah, I know, I'm being totally vague. But writing (typing) my thoughts helps me sort through them, which is why I created this page in the first place! So as my friends you must all bear with me. It's your duty. I have so much going now, my whole life has been turned upside down in the last seven months, and I like the new life so much better than the old. It just feels too good, you know? Like I'm waiting for the ball to drop. I was so complacent in my "prior life" - I'm nervous to let that happen again. Things are going so well for me now in all areas - personal life, career, etc. I guess I did not expcet my life to become so great so fast. So I feel like I keep waiting for something bad to happen. Then I remind myself that I've probably dealt with enough bad stuff in the past year to tide me over for awhile so maybe it's all ok... Yes, I know I'm a freak. Give me a day or two to ponder and I'll be back to perpetually chipper old me. I just need to remember that I need to let go of my control-freak tendencies and realize that the plan for my life is not my plan. I do have faith that what is supposed to happen will. It's just hard to take that blind leap of faith, which is kind of what I feel like is happening. Don't get me wrong - I love it. The things that are happening in my life now are amazing and exciting. It's just kind of scary too.
Oh, I just realized some of you probably don't know (it's been awhile since my last post) - I am officially no longer married! A week ago at this moment I was leaving a courtroom having just had my marriage dissolved. The good news is that I couldn't be happier about it, although in theroy it is sad for my kiddos, in reality we are all much better off. I miss them like CRAZY though. They are in Cincy with their dad for the summer. It's werid without them around. We did the webcam yesterday, and it was great to see them, but it made me sad too. Maybe that's part of my weirdness today.
Other news - I had a FANTASTIC weekend, looking forward to an equally excellent week. Must go take one of my employees to lunch... More posting from me later!
05 June 2008
Good karma abounds....
Tonight I am feeling lazy and tired. Up at 5 am this morning to drive to Cincy with the kiddos.
One adult + two kids + 8 hours of spongebob squarepants = Pure insanity!
They were actually pretty good on the drive, but it shot me for the day. Then I realized I left all of Mads PJ's in MD - so I had to go buy her some. Which really burns me up, since I just bought her all new summer ones. They are lovely and cute - in her drawer at HOME. I never claimed to be the brightest bear in the woods.
BUT I am here for lots of great reasons (here in Ohio, I mean). First and foremost, final court hearing on Monday morning. Months of drama will be reduced to a decree, and I can't wait. I'm not foolish enough to expect the drama to be completely gone, but I am happy that the threat of changing our agreement and / or refusal to sign or show up will be. In the meantime, I get to spend time with my best gal pal, my sibling and some old work buddies. Ohh, AND we're going to the bead store to make some jewelry on Saturday.
So, here are my deep thoughts for the day:
Good karma breeds more good karma. Much as a perpetually positive attitude brings more positive things to your life. (I think the book the Secret is a bunch of crap, but they did get that part right.) Seriously, I am living proof of this theory every day. I think we'll be judged one day on how we handled the challenges that life has thrown in our path. So - treat people well, help those who need it, and pay it forward (as the book says).
I don't understand people who choose to be angry and hold grudges. Why? Ask yourself this? What does it accomplish? You can bet that the person you're unhappy with is probably not losing any sleep over this issue that is so huge to you. So all of a sudden YOU'RE the only one who's unhappy. You can't control others actions / reactions, so worry about your own and let the rest go. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we've been given. Too many people haven't figured out that it benefits you much more than the person you're forgiving.
Ok, off my soapbox for today, enjoy!
One adult + two kids + 8 hours of spongebob squarepants = Pure insanity!
They were actually pretty good on the drive, but it shot me for the day. Then I realized I left all of Mads PJ's in MD - so I had to go buy her some. Which really burns me up, since I just bought her all new summer ones. They are lovely and cute - in her drawer at HOME. I never claimed to be the brightest bear in the woods.
BUT I am here for lots of great reasons (here in Ohio, I mean). First and foremost, final court hearing on Monday morning. Months of drama will be reduced to a decree, and I can't wait. I'm not foolish enough to expect the drama to be completely gone, but I am happy that the threat of changing our agreement and / or refusal to sign or show up will be. In the meantime, I get to spend time with my best gal pal, my sibling and some old work buddies. Ohh, AND we're going to the bead store to make some jewelry on Saturday.
So, here are my deep thoughts for the day:
Good karma breeds more good karma. Much as a perpetually positive attitude brings more positive things to your life. (I think the book the Secret is a bunch of crap, but they did get that part right.) Seriously, I am living proof of this theory every day. I think we'll be judged one day on how we handled the challenges that life has thrown in our path. So - treat people well, help those who need it, and pay it forward (as the book says).
I don't understand people who choose to be angry and hold grudges. Why? Ask yourself this? What does it accomplish? You can bet that the person you're unhappy with is probably not losing any sleep over this issue that is so huge to you. So all of a sudden YOU'RE the only one who's unhappy. You can't control others actions / reactions, so worry about your own and let the rest go. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we've been given. Too many people haven't figured out that it benefits you much more than the person you're forgiving.
Ok, off my soapbox for today, enjoy!
04 June 2008
"Nothing is too wonderful to be true..." Michael Faraday
Counting my blessings....
So I walk in the door today and the first thing Cobby says to me is "Mama! I'm a chicken butt!" Apparently at his swim lesson today he refused to jump in the pool to Kristen (the swim teacher) so now he's a chicken butt, at least according to himslef. What a kid. Maddie's last day of school was today; hard to believe she is finished with kindergarten already. I think it's all downhill from here - I already have visions of her being 18 years old. It's freaking me out.
Today was a great day! Lots of small nice things happened to me that just made my day brighter and brighter. I love days like that.
So tomorrow at 5:30 AM we drop Nana at the airport and the kiddos and me head to Ohio to drop them off with their dad for the summer. Starbucks is definitely on the agenda for the morning. It's so great that my mom has been able to be here and help us for so long (6 months!) without getting on each other's nerves, but I think just in the last week or so she is feeling really ready to go back to TX and my dad. I'm in for some lonely days I think - going from hubub of kiddos and my mom around all the time to just me for the summer will take some adjusting. The last time I lived alone was when I moved to England, in the summer of 1999. I'm looking foward to it and dreading it all at the same time.
Aren't I lucky to have such an amazing family? How many moms would do what mine did for me? Well, probably a lot. But how many people would actually enjoy living with their mom for 6 months? And I get to hang out with my brother and new sister this weekend. I love my family so much.
Most days I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have so much to be thankful for, and really nothing to be unhappy about. The best family in the world, the most amazing friends a girl could ask for, my kiddos with me the majority of the year, a career that I can truly say I love, and wonderful new people in my life.
I love my life.
So I walk in the door today and the first thing Cobby says to me is "Mama! I'm a chicken butt!" Apparently at his swim lesson today he refused to jump in the pool to Kristen (the swim teacher) so now he's a chicken butt, at least according to himslef. What a kid. Maddie's last day of school was today; hard to believe she is finished with kindergarten already. I think it's all downhill from here - I already have visions of her being 18 years old. It's freaking me out.
Today was a great day! Lots of small nice things happened to me that just made my day brighter and brighter. I love days like that.
So tomorrow at 5:30 AM we drop Nana at the airport and the kiddos and me head to Ohio to drop them off with their dad for the summer. Starbucks is definitely on the agenda for the morning. It's so great that my mom has been able to be here and help us for so long (6 months!) without getting on each other's nerves, but I think just in the last week or so she is feeling really ready to go back to TX and my dad. I'm in for some lonely days I think - going from hubub of kiddos and my mom around all the time to just me for the summer will take some adjusting. The last time I lived alone was when I moved to England, in the summer of 1999. I'm looking foward to it and dreading it all at the same time.
Aren't I lucky to have such an amazing family? How many moms would do what mine did for me? Well, probably a lot. But how many people would actually enjoy living with their mom for 6 months? And I get to hang out with my brother and new sister this weekend. I love my family so much.
Most days I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have so much to be thankful for, and really nothing to be unhappy about. The best family in the world, the most amazing friends a girl could ask for, my kiddos with me the majority of the year, a career that I can truly say I love, and wonderful new people in my life.
I love my life.
03 June 2008
Banishing Oscar...
Current mood: tired. happy. distracted. wishful. excited.
I am sitting here watching the man who I am sure is going to be our next President on the telly. He's finally got enough delegates to say he will be the nominee and still Billary will not concede. I dislike that woman beyond any form of dislike I can remember feeling for anyone or anything in the recent past.
Today I packed up the kiddos to go and stay with their dad for 9 weeks for the summer. It was hard. Part of me is looking foward to a break. But most of me knows I'll miss them like crazy. They'll have a good time though, and I get them for 43 weeks most years, so I can't complain!
I have been grouchy like Oscar today and it's not a feeling I enjoy. It's very contrary to how I typically choose to feel. And I was mean(ish) to some of my friends just because I am in a funk. SO! I have decided to get over myself. Remember - happiness is a choice. And I choose to feel it right now. So many great things are happening in my life TODAY! So for all of you that I grouched at today - I'm out of the pit. You can stop hiding from me now.
So - what kind of things are making me happy? Want a list of some of them? Here goes:
The anticipation of the summer!
My lobster... :)
My iPhone and the new ringtones I downloaded today.
The new (to me) Rascal Flatts song I found and like a whole lot.
I get to see all my best friends, my brother and new sister this weekend.
A new US Weekly came in the mail today.
My fancy silver bracelet with the cute charms on it. All with a meaning to me.
I get extra days with my kiddos before handing them over to the X.
T minus 5 days until my divorce is final. (I'll be a divorcee. How weird does that word sound?)
So am I a just material girl? You betcha! No, really, I just choose to find happiness in not only the big moments, but the simple everyday pleasures that life brings our way all the time. Join me on the ride, you'll like it. I promise.
I am sitting here watching the man who I am sure is going to be our next President on the telly. He's finally got enough delegates to say he will be the nominee and still Billary will not concede. I dislike that woman beyond any form of dislike I can remember feeling for anyone or anything in the recent past.
Today I packed up the kiddos to go and stay with their dad for 9 weeks for the summer. It was hard. Part of me is looking foward to a break. But most of me knows I'll miss them like crazy. They'll have a good time though, and I get them for 43 weeks most years, so I can't complain!
I have been grouchy like Oscar today and it's not a feeling I enjoy. It's very contrary to how I typically choose to feel. And I was mean(ish) to some of my friends just because I am in a funk. SO! I have decided to get over myself. Remember - happiness is a choice. And I choose to feel it right now. So many great things are happening in my life TODAY! So for all of you that I grouched at today - I'm out of the pit. You can stop hiding from me now.
So - what kind of things are making me happy? Want a list of some of them? Here goes:
The anticipation of the summer!
My lobster... :)
My iPhone and the new ringtones I downloaded today.
The new (to me) Rascal Flatts song I found and like a whole lot.
I get to see all my best friends, my brother and new sister this weekend.
A new US Weekly came in the mail today.
My fancy silver bracelet with the cute charms on it. All with a meaning to me.
I get extra days with my kiddos before handing them over to the X.
T minus 5 days until my divorce is final. (I'll be a divorcee. How weird does that word sound?)
So am I a just material girl? You betcha! No, really, I just choose to find happiness in not only the big moments, but the simple everyday pleasures that life brings our way all the time. Join me on the ride, you'll like it. I promise.
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