05 September 2008

Lauren's How Well Do You Know Your "Other" Survey...

How well DO you know your significant other?? be honest!!!........20 Q's

1. What do they watch on TV?
Mad Men, the Olympics, Criminal Minds, Get Smart, Dexter, Redwings hockey, Michigan football, How it's Made, Quincy, and the Food Network.

2. You're out to eat. what kind of dressing do they get on their salad.
Ranch or Italian

3. What's one food this person doesn't like?
One food? Only one? Mushrooms, olives, sushi (the raw kind)

4. You go out to the bar. He/she orders......
A beer. Amber microbrew.

5. Where did he/she go to high school?
Ubly, MI

6. What size shoe do they wear?
I think 10 or 11.

7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be......
Presents from his Alligator... And her artwork.

8. What is their favorite type of sandwich?
Oscar Mayer has a way with B O L O G N A

9. This person could eat __________ everyday?
Bologna, and he does eat it everyday!

10. Favorite cereal?
I don't think he likes cereal that much? But Rice Krispies.

11. This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing...
A speedo.

12. Favorite sports team?
Redwings, hands down. Also Michigan baby!

13. Who will he/she vote for?
Barack of course!

14. What is their sign?
Leo the LION

15. What is something you do that he/she wishes you didn't?
Eat only half a piece of cheese, and put the other half back in the fridge, then I forget about it until he unearths it later.

16. How many states has this person lived in?

17. What is he/she's heritage?

18. Do you bake them a cake for their birthday?
Nope, I make him a rhubarb crunch.

19. Did he/she play sports in high school?
Yup. Football.

20. This person could spend hours......
Playing with his daughter, hanging out with me, relaxing with his family, being the most amazing person I know!

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