06 November 2008


Guess what today is? Or would have been? My wedding anniversary, were I still married. Guess what the great news about that is? I FORGOT. Until someone reminded me earlier... I forgot. When I look back to where I was on this day last year, I am eternally grateful that I have come so far in a year. I know with absolute certainty that where I am today is where I'm supposed to be and where I should have been all along. So - today, on what would have been my ninth wedding anniversary, I want to say to all my family and friends - THANK YOU. Thank you for everything you have done for me always and especially over the last year. Thank you for your love and support. Thanks for being there always. I love you all. You are all a huge part of the reason that today I am HAPPIER than I've ever been.

Guess what else? I got my Starbucks Gold card today. V. happy.

It's a good day. Life is good.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I'm so happy that things are going well for you. You deserve nothing but happiness.

And what is this Starbucks Gold Card you speak of?!!?