03 June 2008

Banishing Oscar...

Current mood: tired. happy. distracted. wishful. excited.

I am sitting here watching the man who I am sure is going to be our next President on the telly. He's finally got enough delegates to say he will be the nominee and still Billary will not concede. I dislike that woman beyond any form of dislike I can remember feeling for anyone or anything in the recent past.

Today I packed up the kiddos to go and stay with their dad for 9 weeks for the summer. It was hard. Part of me is looking foward to a break. But most of me knows I'll miss them like crazy. They'll have a good time though, and I get them for 43 weeks most years, so I can't complain!

I have been grouchy like Oscar today and it's not a feeling I enjoy. It's very contrary to how I typically choose to feel. And I was mean(ish) to some of my friends just because I am in a funk. SO! I have decided to get over myself. Remember - happiness is a choice. And I choose to feel it right now. So many great things are happening in my life TODAY! So for all of you that I grouched at today - I'm out of the pit. You can stop hiding from me now.

So - what kind of things are making me happy? Want a list of some of them? Here goes:

The anticipation of the summer!
My lobster... :)
My iPhone and the new ringtones I downloaded today.
The new (to me) Rascal Flatts song I found and like a whole lot.
I get to see all my best friends, my brother and new sister this weekend.
A new US Weekly came in the mail today.
My fancy silver bracelet with the cute charms on it. All with a meaning to me.
I get extra days with my kiddos before handing them over to the X.
T minus 5 days until my divorce is final. (I'll be a divorcee. How weird does that word sound?)

So am I a just material girl? You betcha! No, really, I just choose to find happiness in not only the big moments, but the simple everyday pleasures that life brings our way all the time. Join me on the ride, you'll like it. I promise.

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