05 June 2008

Good karma abounds....

Tonight I am feeling lazy and tired. Up at 5 am this morning to drive to Cincy with the kiddos.

One adult + two kids + 8 hours of spongebob squarepants = Pure insanity!

They were actually pretty good on the drive, but it shot me for the day. Then I realized I left all of Mads PJ's in MD - so I had to go buy her some. Which really burns me up, since I just bought her all new summer ones. They are lovely and cute - in her drawer at HOME. I never claimed to be the brightest bear in the woods.

BUT I am here for lots of great reasons (here in Ohio, I mean). First and foremost, final court hearing on Monday morning. Months of drama will be reduced to a decree, and I can't wait. I'm not foolish enough to expect the drama to be completely gone, but I am happy that the threat of changing our agreement and / or refusal to sign or show up will be. In the meantime, I get to spend time with my best gal pal, my sibling and some old work buddies. Ohh, AND we're going to the bead store to make some jewelry on Saturday.

So, here are my deep thoughts for the day:

Good karma breeds more good karma. Much as a perpetually positive attitude brings more positive things to your life. (I think the book the Secret is a bunch of crap, but they did get that part right.) Seriously, I am living proof of this theory every day. I think we'll be judged one day on how we handled the challenges that life has thrown in our path. So - treat people well, help those who need it, and pay it forward (as the book says).

I don't understand people who choose to be angry and hold grudges. Why? Ask yourself this? What does it accomplish? You can bet that the person you're unhappy with is probably not losing any sleep over this issue that is so huge to you. So all of a sudden YOU'RE the only one who's unhappy. You can't control others actions / reactions, so worry about your own and let the rest go. Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we've been given. Too many people haven't figured out that it benefits you much more than the person you're forgiving.

Ok, off my soapbox for today, enjoy!

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