16 June 2008

It's a Great Day... For Me to Whoop Somebody's A**

How many of you are familiar with the Bob and Tom radio show? The title of my post today is the song that's in my head right now. No idea why, as I haven't heard it in months since they don't have Bob and Tom here. (Bastages.) But it's there. You should all go to bobandtom.com and find the song and listen to it. I forget who sings it, but I think it's called "It's a Great Day." It's funny.

I'm in a weird mood today. Very very happy. And also pensive. Lots happening in my life to think about. I've never been one who freaks out about stuff, but that's kind of where I am. In a good way. I mean, the stuff I have to get weirded out about is good. But it's still weirding me out. Yeah, I know, I'm being totally vague. But writing (typing) my thoughts helps me sort through them, which is why I created this page in the first place! So as my friends you must all bear with me. It's your duty. I have so much going now, my whole life has been turned upside down in the last seven months, and I like the new life so much better than the old. It just feels too good, you know? Like I'm waiting for the ball to drop. I was so complacent in my "prior life" - I'm nervous to let that happen again. Things are going so well for me now in all areas - personal life, career, etc. I guess I did not expcet my life to become so great so fast. So I feel like I keep waiting for something bad to happen. Then I remind myself that I've probably dealt with enough bad stuff in the past year to tide me over for awhile so maybe it's all ok... Yes, I know I'm a freak. Give me a day or two to ponder and I'll be back to perpetually chipper old me. I just need to remember that I need to let go of my control-freak tendencies and realize that the plan for my life is not my plan. I do have faith that what is supposed to happen will. It's just hard to take that blind leap of faith, which is kind of what I feel like is happening. Don't get me wrong - I love it. The things that are happening in my life now are amazing and exciting. It's just kind of scary too.

Oh, I just realized some of you probably don't know (it's been awhile since my last post) - I am officially no longer married! A week ago at this moment I was leaving a courtroom having just had my marriage dissolved. The good news is that I couldn't be happier about it, although in theroy it is sad for my kiddos, in reality we are all much better off. I miss them like CRAZY though. They are in Cincy with their dad for the summer. It's werid without them around. We did the webcam yesterday, and it was great to see them, but it made me sad too. Maybe that's part of my weirdness today.

Other news - I had a FANTASTIC weekend, looking forward to an equally excellent week. Must go take one of my employees to lunch... More posting from me later!

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